450. This proposed site has a wide range of important habitats from a biodiversity perspective, and would provide a continuum of protected land and protected marine area. The coastal habitats included within this site represent the unique habitats of the Catlins coast, and are not included in any other MPA within the proposed network.
451. As shown by the large number of iconic and protected species that use the area (i.e. seabirds and marine mammals), the habitats that this area would protect are ecologically significant and have high biodiversity values.
438. This proposed marine reserve reaches from Pillans Head to north of Purakaunui Bay, including Cosgrove Island. It extends 7.5 km (4 nm) offshore from Long Point on the Catlins coast.
439. The proposal includes 65.6 km2 of coastal area, which accounts for 0.7% of the Forum region. It includes 15.8 km of coastline, equivalent to 2.1% of the Forum region coastline.
440. As a marine reserve, it would be a no-take area. All fishing would be prohibited. Fishing vessels would be allowed to enter the area, so long as they had no gear used for the purpose of fishing in the water at the time. This is regardless as to whether they are carrying fish or not (and in accordance with existing fisheries regulations). No discharge to the MPA would be allowed, this includes (but not limited to): grey water, sewage and fish waste.
441. There are wāhi tapu located on the coast and the recovery of koiwi and other cultural artifacts by Kāi Tahu shall not be impacted by this proposal.