422. This is one of the few options proposed that encompass a significant area of deep offshore reef. It would provide a ‘replicate’ deep reef habitat, as per the MPA Policy and Guidelines.
423. The site includes a substantial area of deep gravel habitat. Based on the very different oceanographic conditions and seafloor terrain compared to other deep gravel locations within the proposed network (off the Otago Peninsula and Waitaki), this gravel habitat type is likely to contain different biodiversity values.
414. This proposed MPA with fisheries restrictions extends from approximately the 50 m depth contour, ranging from 8.5 to 12 km (4.6 to 6.5 nm) offshore, out to the 12 nm territorial sea boundary. It extends approximately 17 km from the northern end to the southern end. It covers 223 km2, and incorporates 2.5% of the Forum region.
415. Proposed fisheries restrictions that would prohibit:
• dredging • all set netting; and • all trawling • purse seining. • danish seining
416. The restrictions would not impact recreational fishing, except for set netting and dredging. Commercial potting and line fishing would be able to continue.
417. This package of fishing restrictions is proposed to allow for the maintenance and recovery of the biodiversity of the area, by prohibiting bottom impacting methods and reducing fishing effects on the ecosystem, natural species composition and trophic linkages.
fishing info: The proposed fisheries restriction include the ban of dredging, trawling, danish seining, net setting and purse seining. However, apart from …