397. This proposal would replicate another example of exposed intertidal and shallow rocky reef. It would potentially improve connectivity between the two other proposed marine reserves that include this habitat (“I” and “O”) that are separated by approximately 100 km. Connectivity and replication are important considerations in creating a network.
388. This proposed marine reserve begins 1 km north of Akatore Creek and extends south along the coastline for approximately 7 km (3.8 nm) to approximately 700 m south of Watson’s Beach. It extends approximately 1 km (0.54 nm) offshore.
389. The proposed marine reserve includes 6.3 km2 and accounts for approximately 0.1% of the area of the Forum region. It includes 10.5 km of coastline, approximately 1.4% of the overall coastline within the Forum region.
390. As a marine reserve, it would be a no-take area. All fishing would be prohibited.
391. This proposed marine reserve is associated with two other sites being proposed, ‘L – Akatore Estuary’ and ‘N – Akatore Offshore’.
392. Fishing vessels would be allowed to enter the area, so long as they had no gear used for the purpose of fishing in the water at the time. This is regardless as to whether they are carrying fish or not (and in accordance with existing fisheries regulations). No discharge to the MPA would be allowed, this includes (but not limited to) grey water, sewage and fish waste.
393. There are wāhi tapu located on the coast and the recovery of koiwi and other cultural artifacts by Kāi Tahu shall not be impacted by this proposal.