328. The intention of the proposed White Island to Waldronville MPA is that it protects against the potential effect of recreational fishing displacement from the two proposed adjacent marine reserves, and in so doing maintains the biodiversity of the environment contained within this MPA while allowing for an ongoing recreational fishing experience.
329. To achieve the aims of this MPA it would be necessary to exclude all commercial fishing and to recommend to the Minister to consider recreational bag limits be reduced to what was felt to be a level capable of maintaining biodiversity in the face of ongoing recreational fishing pressure, e.g. five blue cod, two pāua and two rock lobster per person per day (under either the Fisheries Act or special legislation).
320. The proposed marine protected area extends from approximately the St Clair Salt Water Pool to approximately one km south of the breaking rock to the west of White Island, then aligning with the southern boundary of the proposed Harakeke Point to White Island marine reserve (see I), before extending to the eastern extent of the southern boundary of the proposed Green Island marine reserve (see K) and running back into shore.
321. The proposal extends along 9 km (4.9 nm) of coastline and extends approximately 2.7 km (1.5 nm) offshore at Blackhead. It encompasses 24.7 km2 and accounts for 0.3% of the Forum region.
322. The proposals to consult on are: • Exclusion of all commercial fishing activities • Decreased recreational species bag limits
323. The Forum wants to explore the benefits of stopping commercial fishing and reducing the effects of recreational fishing on biodiversity through reductions to bag limits as it could help address additional recreational fishing effort in this MPA which might occur as the result of any adjacent marine protected areas. The Forum is aware that the review of marine protection legislation includes consideration of marine recreational fishing parks. While recreational parks are not available under existing legislation, controls on bag limits could be put in place by the Minister for Primary Industries. The Forum considers it has a duty to consult, and get views of the public on this proposal.
324. There are wāhi tapu located on the coast and the recovery of koiwi and other cultural artifacts by Kāi Tahu shall not be impacted by this proposal.